On July 24, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security published the final rule for The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Modernization. The final rule for The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Modernization went into effect on November 21, 2019. However, this new rule...
Serving Clients Across The U.S. And Around The World
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program: New Regulations [infographic]
On November 21, 2019, new regulations went into effect, dramatically altering the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. Here’s what you need to know:
David Hirson & Partners, LLP Educates and Sponsors Immigration Conference in Vietnam
Attorney , Partner at David Hirson & Partners, LLP (DHP) recently returned from educating Vietnamese nationals about U.S. immigration strategies and standards. Attorney Le is recognized in Vietnam as a trusted source for U.S. immigration law and innovative...
EB-5 Legislative Update: Mid-September
This post addresses 3 ideas that are currently being discussed in the EB-5 world: Will President Trump do something to “save” the EB-5 program? Will the new EB-5 regulations be repealed by Congress? Will Congress finally enact new EB-5 legislation? These are all good...
David Hirson & Partners, LLP sponsoring and hosting upcoming IIUSA EB-5 Industry Forum in Seattle
David Hirson & Partners Guides Client Through Heightened Vetting Process to Receive Travel Ban Waiver
Earlier this summer, David Hirson & Partners, LLP (“DHP”) successfully helped an EB-5 investor client’s entire family of nine obtain travel ban waivers. These waivers were required in order for the family to be issued immigrant visas and enter the U.S. Our client...
11/21/2019 부터 시행될 EB-5투자이민 프로그램의 새로운 규정
Original English version 미국 이민국(USCIS)은 2019년 11월 21부터 시행되고 내일 (2019 년 7 월 24 일) 발간될 새로운 EB-5 규정을 발표했습니다. 이는 1990 년 미국 의회에서 창안된 이래로 이 프로그램의 첫번째 중요한 변화입니다. 저희 로펌은 곧 더 자세한 내용을 제공할 예정이지만 주요 변경 사항은 다음과 같습니다: 1) 신규 투자 금액: 최소 투자 금액은 180 만 달러입니다. TEA (Targeted Employment...
Original English version 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)宣布新的EB-5投资移民法案将在2019年7月24日正式公布,并于2019年11月21日开始生效。这是自1990年美国国会创立此法案以来的第一次重大变革。我们公司将会尽快提供更多该法案的细节,但新政策主要包括: 新投资额:最低投资额为1,800,000美金。位于目标就业地区(TEAs)的项目最低投资额为900,000美金。但是目标就业地区认定过程的可能使该目标区域的大多数项目难以获得TEA认证。...
Ngày 24 tháng 7 năm 2019, Cơ Quan Nhập Tịch Và Di Trú Hoa Kỳ (USCIS) đã công bố chính thức dự luật mới cho chương trình đầu tư EB-5. Dự luật mới sẽ bắt đầu có hiệu lực từ ngày 21 tháng 11 năm 2019. Đây là những sự thay đổi cực kỳ quan trọng cho chương trình đầu tư di...
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program: New Regulations Effective on 11/21/2019
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has announced new EB-5 regulations that will be published tomorrow (7/24/2019) and become effective on 11/21/2019. These are the first significant changes to the program since it was created by U.S. Congress in 1990....