Is A Criminal Record Holding Back Your Immigration Goals?
A mark on your criminal record can hold you back from achieving your goal of living and working in the United States. With an experienced immigration attorney by your side, however, you can explore legal strategies for moving past this roadblock.
At David Hirson & Partners, LLP, our attorneys can provide you with a thorough criminal record evaluation so that you know where you stand regarding your immigration status.
If you are currently facing criminal accusations, speak with an experienced immigration attorney before making any important decisions regarding your criminal case. The best legal strategy for a visa or green card holder may be entirely different than the one employed to defend a U.S. citizen.
We can provide you with the strong immigration law representation you need. With law offices in Costa Mesa and Seattle, we serve clients throughout Southern California and across the world.
Waivers Of Inadmissibility
Many people who dream of immigrating to the United States are unable to do so because they are deemed inadmissible under the law. Grounds for inadmissibility include:
- Criminal offenses
- Having a communicable disease
- Economic status
- Fraud in procuring a visa or other immigration benefit
- A false claim of citizenship
The good news for those deemed inadmissible is that, under certain circumstances, you may obtain a waiver that essentially pardons the offense and allows you to enter the United States on a visa or seek an adjustment of status.
At David Hirson & Partners, our attorneys have extensive experience procuring waivers of inadmissibility for immigrants throughout the world. We will carefully analyze your situation to determine the best legal strategy, with the ultimate goal of helping you achieve your immigration goals.
We Represent Clients Nationwide And Around The World
Contact Us To Learn More
Call David Hirson & Partners, LLP, in Costa Mesa, California at 949-441-4003 or our Seattle, Washington, office at 206-926-3973 or contact us by email to arrange a consultation with one of our immigration attorneys today.
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