Serving Clients Across The U.S. And Around The World

Similarities In B-1 And B-2 Visas For Business And Pleasure

Regardless of the Visitor Visa category, all three demonstrate nonimmigrant intent, and use of any of the three when entering the United States is an affirmation that your purpose for entry is for a short-term limited duration. This also means that when using a B visa or ESTA that implicitly affirm that you do not, upon entry, intend to change your status to another nonimmigrant visa type, or to remain in the United States indefinitely by immigrating; doing so would be a misrepresentation of your visa. For example, an individual who enters the United States on a B-1 Business Visa and then immediately files an application to adjust his nonimmigrant status to immigrant status may be challenged by the government to prove that she did not misuse her B-2 Pleasure Visa.

One other commonality is that applicants generally need to overcome a presumption that they intend to permanently immigrate to the United States. Often, visa officers may ascertain if the visa applicant has a residence outside the United States or is domiciled outside the United States. They will often examine if you have sufficient ties to your home country that would, on balance, demonstrate the applicant is unlikely to remain in the United States indefinitely. Some examples are provided below:

Portions of the content on this page are available as public information on the USCIS website.

Strong Ties to Home Country  

Weak Ties to Home Country


Career in home country No  career
Immediate family in home country Immediate family in the United States
Substantial assets in home country Extensive liabilities in home country
Domicile in the United States No property in home country; property in the United States
Extensive associations and memberships with groups in home country No meaningful ties to the home country

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Call David Hirson & Partners, LLP, in Costa Mesa, California at 949-441-4003 or our Seattle, Washington, office at 206-926-3973 or contact us by email to arrange a consultation with one of our immigration attorneys today.

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